My Preemie Son After Birth

My Preemie Son After Birth

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Hard & Rewarding it is to Take Care of a Preemie

Taking care of a preemie is one of the hardest things I believe I have ever had to do. As I have said before in a previous post(s), Brayden was born two months early. He has a lot of issues that he is going to have to overcome. I am having to travel an hour away from home to take him to three of his doctors now. He keeps having new things come up to me all the time that the doctors say I am going to have to get fixed. All of his illenesses are just taking a toll on me emotionally. I feel like I am always crying because I always think there could have been something that I could have done while I was pregnant, so he would not have ended up this way. The doctors say that there is nothing that I could have done to have stopped it from happening. I am always the type to worry, though.

Taking care of a preemie is one of the most rewarding things I believe I have ever done. Brayden is one of the best babies ever! He is not that fussy as much as I have heard other babies are. He is only fussy when it is time for him to go to bed. He doesn't really fuss when he gets his immunizations. He fusses right when the shot comes out, but then he is quiet and wants to sleep almost the rest of the day. He takes his naps during the day like he is supposed to, and he plays well with others. He just acts like a regular baby to me, and he does not act like he is premature at all. When people see him out, they never would have guessed that he was premature. They think that he looks like a normal baby at his age right now and not the age that he should have been. He makes me so happy, and I feel he always will. He will always be my pride and joy. :) <3

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